Generation Projects

Transmission Projects

Distribution Projects

With 10 power plant projects scattered all over Nigeria, we are committed to establishing a long lasting infrastructure to tackle the power issue in Nigeria in collaboration with the Nigerian Government.
If you have ten times more power, what you do to the economy is that you add ten to fifteen more times more to the development of the economy. Hence the birth of the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP).
Operating Company: Benin Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Four Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines)
Capacity: 507.6 MW (ISO) and 451MW (Net)
Operating Company: Omotosho Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Four Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines)
Capacity: 512.8 MW (ISO) and 451MW (Net)
Operating Company: Alaoji Generation Company Limited
Configuration: 4 NOs. GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines and 2 NOs. GE Steam Turbines
Capacity: Gas Turbine: 4 x 126MW (ISO) and Steam Turbine: 2 x 286MW
Operating Company: Ogorode Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Four Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines)
Capacity: 507.6 MW (ISO) and 451MW (Net)
Omoku Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Two Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines)
Capacity: 264.7MW (ISO) and 225MW (Net)
Operating Company: Egbema Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Three Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines)
Capacity: 380.7MW (ISO) and 338MW (Net)
Olorunsogo Generation Company Limited
Configuration: Four Gas Turbines (GE Frame 9E Gas Turbines), Two Steam Turbines
Capacity: 754MW (ISO) and 676MW (Net)